About Us
RideWise is a charity that is dedicated to education and support for the environmental benefits of green forms of transport, helps thousands of people each year to gain travel independence, reduce reliance on fossil fuel vehicles and helps to break the barriers of isolation, inactivity, mental health and transport poverty by supporting people through active travel. At RideWise, we believe that affordable, accessible and green forms transport should never be a barrier – through a range of support, walking and cycling can transform lives and communities.

About Us
RideWise is a charity that is dedicated to education and support for the environmental benefits of green forms of transport, helps thousands of people each year to gain travel independence, reduce reliance on fossil fuel vehicles and helps to break the barriers of isolation, inactivity, mental health and transport poverty by supporting people through active travel. At RideWise, we believe that affordable, accessible and green forms transport should never be a barrier – through a range of support, walking and cycling can transform lives and communities.
I agree to the following relevant points of information in relation to the service I have booked with RideWise.
General terms & conditions:
I confirm that I am aged 18 or over at the time of making this booking.
If I am booking for a child aged 16 or younger, I confirm that they will be accompanied by a responsible adult (parent/carer).
I accept that the instructors may at any time refuse to continue to work with me if my (or the attendees) behaviour is deemed to be unreasonable.
I understand that RideWise is not responsible for any injury or loss or damage to any property which is not caused by an instructor’s negligence and that RideWise takes no responsibility whatsoever for any injury or any loss or damage to any property which occurs either on the way to my first or subsequent sessions.
I undertake to make the instructors aware of any medical condition I (or the attendee) have which may adversely affect my (or the attendees) participation in the activity.
Instructors are not at liberty to amend the terms of this consent form.
I understand this consent form must be completed and signed (checked to agree to) before a session commences and that a session cannot take place if this consent form is not signed.
This consent form applies to any activity organised by RideWise. I understand a new consent form need only be signed for any sessions that occur after the terms vary.
From time to time, we may contact you with information about our services which may be of interest to you. If you would prefer not to receive these emails, please contact us or unsubscribe from our mailing list.
Additional terms and condition for cycle training:
Except in cases where RideWise supplies the bicycle, I understand that the instructor(s) may refuse to train me (or the attendee) if they decide my bike to be unroadworthy. Their decision is final.
I understand that not being able to commence and/or continue with a training session due to having an unroadworthy bike will not entitle me to a refund of any fees paid. RideWise instructors will not carry out repairs to make an unsafe bike roadworthy. It remains my responsibility to have a roadworthy and safe bicycle. If I am in doubt as to whether a bike is road worthy, I should seek the advice of a professional mechanic.
I understand that having taken training it does not necessarily follow that it is safe for me (or the attendee) to ride a bicycle. Each learner will become proficient at different speeds and so continued practise outside of the training is essential to come a safe and confident cyclist.
RideWise encourages the use of a helmet, however the decision about wearing a cycle helmet is my personal choice. RideWise will not be held liable for the results of any injury, which is later established, may have been prevented by the wearing of a helmet. If I (or the attendee) wear my own helmet, RideWise will not be held liable for the results of any injury which it is later established may have been caused by the wearing of my (or the attendees) helmet. The instructor will advise the attendee only on the fit of a helmet but will not be able to judge from its appearance if it is in good condition.
I understand that I (or the attendee) cycle at my own risk.
I understand that if I cancel a private lesson the day before the agreed booking, I will still be charged the full amount.
Additional terms and condition for loan bikes:
The loan cycle i.e. bicycle/tandem/tricycle/or any other type of cycle loaned to me by RideWise remains the property of RideWise at all times.
The loan cycle is provided to me FREE OF CHARGE for the duration of the cycle loan period.
The loan period is for ONE MONTH (28 days) from date of issue, however I can ask for the loan cycle to be collected from me sooner if required.
I will collect the loan cycle from a designated collection point on a specific day, date and time, as agreed on my booking.
At the end of the loan period, I will return it to the designated drop off point on a specific day, date as per my booking.
RideWise reserves the right to collect the loan cycle before the end of the 28-day period if there is a need to do so. I will be informed in advance in the unlikely event that this happens.
I will ensure that the cycle is kept secure at all times when it is not in use.
When at home the loan cycle will be kept in a safe secure place such as a locked garage or locked shed if such a facility exists and the loan cycle should also be locked.
If the loan cycle is stolen, I will immediately report the theft to the police and obtain a crime reference number. I will also immediately contact RideWise on 0115 955 2288 or customerservice@ridewise.org.uk and provide them with the crime reference number and any other appropriate information.
If the loan cycle is damaged whilst in my care, I will immediately inform RideWise as to the nature of the damage and the circumstances that caused the damage.
I will not ride the loan cycle if the damage affects the safety of the cycle and/or myself.
RideWise will either elect to repair the loan cycle on site if it’s practical and safe to do so otherwise RideWise will provide me with another appropriate loan cycle for the remainder of the cycle loan period.
RideWise is responsible for ensuring that the loan cycle is safe, roadworthy and in good condition.
RideWise is responsible for carrying out any servicing, repairs and any other maintenance tasks required to the loan cycle at its own expense.
I will not take the loan cycle to be repaired by any other bike mechanic or bike repair shop.
I will not sell, hire out, dispose of or give the loan cycle to any other person or organisation no matter what the reason.
Aside from the loan cycle being stolen and it having been reported to both RideWise and the police, if I do not give up the loan cycle at the end of the loan period, I will be liable to pay a minimum of £75.00 to a maximum of £300.00 in replacement costs for an equivalent refurbished cycle.